Regard d'auteur


You are getting ready to live an important moment of your life like a pregnancy, a wedding or a birth? Would you like to discover the work of our photographers in images in order to find the professional who will meet your expectations? Discover our photo blog and its articles that will help you find inspiration for your future sessions with our photographers.

The articles of our photo blog

Wedding reportages | photo blog

The preparation of a wedding is a real headache for a couple. This one must begin long before the D-day in order to find the ideal providers who will know how to make this important day, the most beautiful day of your life. In our photo blog, you will find all the tips to make your life easier in the organization of this event. Thanks to advice from newlyweds who will help you with their testimonies or thanks to the beautiful photos of our different professional wedding photographers.

Couple's reports | photo blog

Few people think of immortalizing their couple with sublime images in a unique photographic style, taken by a professional photographer. Our photo blog might change your mind because the love that shines through in these shots taken by our best couple photographers, in studio or outdoors, in natural light will make your heart skip a beat and make you want to make an appointment with the photographer of your choice. If you are single, why not offer this original gift to a couple of friends? Many photographers offer a gift voucher for a session. This gift will be engraved forever in the photo album of your friends.

Birth stories | photo blog

Capturing the birth of a baby is something magical. Parents live a unique moment by immortalizing the first days of their newborn. In the articles of our photo blog dedicated to the birth, you will discover the unique experience lived by the parents but also the work of our photographers specialist. Birth photography is something that can be learned and perfected thanks to different photo trainings because it is necessary to master the luminosity, the framing, the background etc. in order to realize beautiful photos to sublimate your little one.

Pregnancy reports | photo blog

Pregnancy is a very emotional period for a couple. Joy, fear, stress, many feelings are mixed and this whirlwind of emotions can quickly take you away. It is therefore good to breathe and take a moment for yourself when you are pregnant by trusting a professional photographer who will sublimate your image. In our photo blog you will discover once again the testimonies of future mothers who have participated in these pregnancy sessions to inspire you and find the pregnancy photographer that suits you. The pregnancy photographer is a real artist behind his camera, that's why he has to do a real research to find the one made for you because each shot, each studio lighting, each post-production retouching and more globally each photo shooting will be different from one artist to another.

Family photo reports | photo blog

Taking family photos can be done in amateur, certainly, but you will never have the quality that a professional can bring you, the portrait photography will be perhaps blurred, it will not be retouched in post-processing, you will not have the good photographic material because a reflex is not enough to make a beautiful photo. Thanks to our photo blog you will be able to discover what being accompanied for a family session means thanks to the testimonials of our specialized photographers. You can discover photo shoots where good humor and laughter are apparent thanks to a few professional tricks such as a common pose or matching clothes.

Inspirations and photographers' portraits

Our inspirations articles

Like a portfolio, our inspirations articles are made to give you ideas and guide you for your next photo shoot and events. In these articles you will find all kinds of portraits that have been taken by our professionals during a wedding, portrait, family or pregnancy photo shoot... You will be able to find the photographer that suits you or to show, thanks to a photo, the style of poses that you want for example.

Our articles portraits of photographers

In this blog you will also find articles about photographers. These are photographers that we have decided to put forward for their work and their visions of photography. In these articles you will be able to discover these photographers thanks to an interview of this one and photos representing a part of its work. You will also discover the stories and career of each of these photographers.

The contest articles of our photo blog

Our contests for photography professionals

Every month, Regard d'auteur organizes a wedding contest or a portrait contest, presided over by a group of juries recognized in the profession, who rate and comment on the photos sent by professional photographers. Each contest has sub-themes such as black and white photography, baby photography, wildlife photography... At the end of each contest, the most beautiful photographs will be rewarded with different titles: challenger, honorable mention, awards and masterpiece, masterpiece being the highest distinction.

Photo blog on the rewarded images

In our photo blog, you will have the possibility to discover the rewarded images whether you are a professional or a private individual in the form of Top 10, articles tips or articles photographers of the year. You will see that succeeding in taking pictures or at least succeeding in taking magical pictures is not so easy. That's why every year professional photographers choose to become trainees in photography training in order to improve their know-how and skills: using a zoom lens, managing backlighting and having a good use of light, improving retouching and image processing in order to have beautiful prints...

20 conseils de pros pour prendre de jolies photos de portrait

20 conseils de pros pour prendre de jolies photos de portrait

Dernière mise à jour : le 8 aout 2022Vous êtes passionné(e) par l’image et cherchez à créer de jolies photos ? La photographie (littéralement, « écriture avec la lumière ») est un art récent, daté de 1817 avec la première image […]

80 photos de femmes enceintes nues exceptionnelles

80 photos de femmes enceintes nues exceptionnelles

Dernière mise à jour : le 8 aout 2022Quoi de plus beau que de photographier la femme enceinte nue ? Lors d'un shooting en studio photo, à domicile ou durant une séance photo lifestyle en extérieur, de nombreuses femmes enceintes n'hésitent […]

Top 100 must-have wedding photos

Top 100 must-have wedding photos

Last update : June 29, 2022Are you getting married and looking for a wedding photographer? While taking wedding pictures may seem like a simple exercise, a complete photo report of your big day is not an easy mission. Indeed, the photographer […]

Top 50 maternity photo ideas

Top 50 maternity photo ideas

Last update : June 129, 2022To find THE right maternity photographer, start by observing some basics :Are the pregnancy photographers whose image style you like professional photographers?Have you been able to discover many quality maternity […]

Photographe portrait : 68 photos primées

Photographe portrait : 68 photos primées

Dernière mise à jour : le 8 aout 2022Contrairement à ce que pensent la majorité des personnes, la photographie de portrait peut être réalisé d’une multitude de façons. Elle offre un très large éventail de possibilités, et permet de mettre en […]

TOP 40 des meilleur(e)s photographes grossesse en France

TOP 40 des meilleur(e)s photographes grossesse en France

Dernière mise à jour : le 8 aout 2022Vous cherchez un photographe grossesse mais vous ne savez pas comment le/la choisir ?Nous avons rédigé cet article pour vous présenter quelques un(e)s des meilleur(e)s photographes grossesse en France. Bien […]

Top 30 des photos de bébé créatives

Top 30 des photos de bébé créatives

Dernière mise à jour : le 8 aout 2022Réaliser des photos de votre bébé est un exercice délicat : comment mettre en valeur un nouveau-né avec la lumière ? Comment le manipuler sans risque pour lui faire prendre des poses mignonnes ? Avec quels […]

Top 50 des shootings photos de famille

Top 50 des shootings photos de famille

Dernière mise à jour : le 9 aout 2022Vous souhaitez réaliser un shooting photos de famille pour immortaliser le moment avec vos enfants ? Le temps passe, vos enfants grandissent vite et vous ne profitez que rarement de vrais moments de […]

SUCCESS STORIES : La métamorphose de Marion Devendeville

SUCCESS STORIES : La métamorphose de Marion Devendeville

Nous sommes partis à la rencontre de Marion Devendeville, photographe à Vernierfontaine, aussi connue sous le nom de Faline Photographie. Elle nous parle aujourd’hui de son évolution dans la photographie et de son parcours.Quel est ton […]

Top 50 des photos de grossesse en couple

Top 50 des photos de grossesse en couple

Dernière mise à jour : 07/12/21Vous cherchez un photographe de grossesse talentueux ? Photographier votre amour lors d'une séance  photos de grossesse avant l'arrivée de votre bébé n'est pas une mince affaire. La grossesse est l’un des […]

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